Each and every day I choose to “see” and “feel” #love no matter my personal circumstances. Love truly moves us through our most defining moments and equips us to have compassion for others misunderstanding of their own life struggles.
Sharing My Advocacy Advice on Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls Blog
I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed for Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls Blog. Founded by artist Amy Poehler and producer Meredith Walker, Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls organization is dedicated to helping women cultivate their authentic selves.
Love Grown Up!
Words will never express my intimate deep heartache, my hope is that my actions have
Authentic Advocacy will not AGITATE but ENGAGE
From experience my belief is an Authentic Advocate will not agitate but engage.
Today, we have many advocates around the country utilizing their passionate voices for their specific cause.
A Simple Sustainable Hug
Grief is ever present in our life. It is experienced through death, divorce, depression and/or challenges that we face. Sometimes we personally do not experience grief but friends, acquaintances and those we love the most do.
Finding Peace in Grief
There are moments when the heart is full and moments when the heart aches.
Giving oneself permission to feel is a great gift that few possess. We have grown accustomed to forging ahead, moving through, letting go and living on.
Words of Wisdom
I wanted to share one of Dr. Siegel “Prescription for The Soul” message. I truly hope that you will take the time to read, utilize and then leave me a comment on how you felt after living even one of these virtues.
Authenticity Fosters Empowerment
I feel that we too often expect more of ourselves than needed. We look to what other people are doing. What is their secret for success? How can I buy what they are “selling.”
The Value of Love in Life Insurance? Priceless!
Thankful for Life Insurance! I am blessed with the presence of our 13-year-old Madisyn Grace. She is compassionate, happy, smart, and talented and wise beyond her years.